The first step in understanding hydrosols is understanding plants and the gifts they provide us as a community. Let's recognize the amazing benefits and gifts the Plant Kingdom provides us all! Plants nourish our body, our soul, and our minds. They are a part of our food and medicine; food is medicine. They beautify our homes, our cities, our balconies, and our gardens. And, critically, they give us the breath of life.
Plants contain chemicals in their flowers, leaves, stems, and roots. The part of the plant that will be used in any process depends upon the type of plant and where it holds the chemical constituents that will be extracted or used. For example, only the leaves of the herb Lemon Verbena are used in a steam distillation. However, in the case of lavender and rosemary, steam distillation involves using the 'soft parts' including the flowers and tops of soft stems.
Both hydrosols and essential oils use the process of steam distillation to capture the beneficial chemical constituents of plants. The main difference between the two lies with the final product resulting from this alchemical process. Essential oils rise to the top of the final distillate and, if enough is created, can be separated from the hydrosol and bottled separately. The hydrosol is the distillate remaining. In our products at Tea, Spice & Petal, we produce small batch distillations and retain the essential oil content within the hydrosol.
Essential oils have a concentrated level of constituents. As a result, the safety of essential oils requires dilution with a carrier oil (i.e., Olive, Avocado, Jojoba, Sweet Almond, Grapeseed Oils etc.). This process of dilution is used to avoid over concentration of constituents in the body and to prevent skin and body irritation. Conversely, the essential oil contained in hydrosols are already diluted and are safe to use from the bottle. More on essential oils in later Blogs - Stay Tuned!
Our hydrosols do not contain any added essential oils or fragrance. You may have heard the term Floral Water (not to be confused with Flower, or Floral, Essence), or tonic water. It is important to read the ingredients list in these products as they may contain additives and are not true, or pure, hydrosols. It is also important to note that the hydrosol aroma will be different (in most cases) than the plant and the essential oil. This is normal.
So, why Hydrosols? Because it's magical! Many are good for your skin, repel insects, have health benefits, and can provide fragrance. It's just another way to experience nature. To be able to benefit from the plant's inherent alchemical attributes in this way is truly a gift.